4. Indigenous Territories and Protected Natural Areas
Alberto Blanco, 2015.
The recognition of the territorial rights of indigenous peoples and the establishment of natural protected areas are crucial for safeguarding socio-environmental diversity. Together, IT and PNA cover 47.2% of Amazonia, with an overlap of 17.7% (420,563 km²).

IT currently comprise 2,376,140 km², equivalent to 27.5% of Amazonia. This may vary in the level of recognition: officially recognized, not officially recognized, Indigenous Reserves or Intangible Zones (reserved for indigenous peoples in isolation), and proposed Indigenous Reserves.

El mapa esta cargando...
Map: Indigenous territories in amazonia
PNA represent 24.6% of the region (2'123.007 km²). Direct use PNA are the most numerous in Amazonia (50.5%) and cover the largest area (1'071,799 km²). They are followed by indirect use PNA (48.2%), with more than a million square kilometers (1'022,415 km²).

El mapa esta cargando...
Map: Protected Natural areas in Amazonia
Although the data is positive, government efforts to consolidate policies that guarantee the recognition and due protection of IT and PNA are weak in most Amazonian countries, and in some cases, such as in Brasil, they have become paralyzed in recent years.